Saturday, May 22, 2010


It is no big secret that I enjoy and encourage innovation. Seriously, textbook crafts no longer trouble the regulars, though they are still appreciated as a form of entertainment and to assist in the learning curve of the novice hunters. Besides, including textbook crafts will make the hunt less of an Alpha-Omega experience for most. But I frown upon innovation that leaves the setter exposed to a multitude of possibilities, which makes it a guessing-game amongst hunters whether they have indeed found the intended answer.

Both these questions from the hunt involved a form of "innovation".

Q7: You can recall a gain in business where a confused principal is heard.
Ans: Syarikat Perniagaan Amutha.

It is not uncommon for a single word to have many synonyms. And since, we are often encouraged to think in at least two languages, the scope of search could expand into hundreds of possibilities. Anagram the word and throw in the sounds like key, and the search could be limitless. It could have gotten uglier, had the setter not included a textbook search in the first part of the craft.

Q13: Heard of feeling faint with meals, saturate and more.
Ans: DZ Restaurant

(Ignoring the missing anagram key) Similarly, anagramming a word (or its synonym) with a bunch of undefined letters could end up being disasterous for the setter. Again, it could have gotten uglier, had the setter not included a textbook search in the first part of the craft.

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